Author date: 2012-05-07 1. A story about a guy that was on a team that cleaned up after government mistakes. Start with the almost dying is like drugs analogy. 2. It can connect your unconscious and conscious minds in a meaningful way 3. Protagonist has a drug problem 4. In my book, have the main character be working for the [terrorist] group, infiltrating the [usa] corporations. Part of what he does is gather intelligence, such as the scrap metal from missiles (for electronics, guidance systems, etc). The other part is corporate espionage, such as dressing white collar and infiltrating large corporations (huge windows in the front lobby, giant neon sign) 5. My book: we have only recently discovered life on other planets. Our only form of communication is through huge telescopes, watching one another. 6. part of the corporation is close to discovering, and harnessing, how the universe was made. This is very stupid and dangerous, and needs to be pr 7. my book: the one thing to unify the planet is to discover the meaning of life 8. Isaiah 10:15- Does an ax exalt itself above the one who chops with it? Does a saw magnify itself above the one who saws with it? As if a staff could wave he who lifts it! As if a rod could lift what isn't wood! 9. in a world, where google buys facebook. 10. The book: in the future, all humans have a superpower, because the body has become so evolved that it no longer has a need to waste generations with bugfixes. The mind is experimenting with weapons; humanity needs to grasp the fact that their body's ultimate goal is to kill all other races, and keep it in check. 11. IT'S THE END OF THE WORLD, AND EVERYBODY IS MOVING OFF OF THE PLANET. MILLIONS WILL BE LEFT BEHIND THOUGH, BECAUSE OF CORPORATE GREED. AFTER INFILTRATING THE LARGEST COMPANY IN THIS WORLD, THE PROTAGONIST WILL LEARN THAT THEY ARE KEEPING MONEY, AND THUS CREATE A RESISTANCE TO EXPOSE IT. 12. In my story, some kind of viral marketing. Probably a sos style video uploaded to a web page, posted to reddit 13. government is dumping vast amounts of nuclear waste in northern canada, where mutation is beginning to start 14. the meteors hitting the earth are infecting the human race. A medicine is given to those deemed "vital to the social order", and many are dying because they cannot get what they need 15. Protagonist used to clean up corporate mistakes, now cannot remember any of that past life. He's looking, and uncovering some corporate conspiracies 16. Mankind is making its first ventures into space travel/living 17. Protagonist will be forced to give up his contact to keep his cover hidden. She will die as a result, and he will relapse. 18. Corporation Z is kidnapping the homeless, and inflicting pain to bring about powers. This is how they are creating matter. Contact/Love Interest will late in the book begin to act tired and distant, and near the end the Protagonist will discover that she is volunteering to be tested on. Experiments work best with the highly intelligent and creative, which she is. 19. The degenerates/delinquents/homeless – left behind. Synonomous with the illegal immigrants now 20. some men blah blah blah... others, blah blah blah... me? I just trying to set things right 21. gables, riven, delta, niko, cross 22. infected monsters are actually left over from experiments, not randomly infected because of the meteor 23. Story about protagonist's brother. pull the scales off a fish. 24. In my book, there needs to be stupid "quirks" that people follow even though they make no sense. This could subconsciously be similar to religion 25. based on reassurrance rather than research 26. can you kill one at the sake of saving others? protagonist should take this to the media at the end of the book 27. gov't is getting their ships from Corporation Z, unaware of how they are being made 28. in my book, there is no free internet, everything is censored. only the powerful can access the knowledge 29. epiloque should be the protagonist's backstory – something about killing people while deployed, finding his brother torturing people or animals, and doing something absolutely unforgivable. 30. 21st century known as the “Age of Ignorance” 31. busted taillight 32. The protagonist will replace his twin brother as the CEO of a major corporation. He will do this silently 33. The corporations answer your questions for you 34. They have become God. There is phone hotlines to speak directly with God in my book 35. All of the corporations keep private from each other as well.the entire book can be about the freedom fighters taking a building for themselves, without alerting others. 36. Religion has been disproven because other creatures are coming into sentience. Humans are no longer the center of the universe 37. way man percieves things makes him seem crazy to others 38. Isaiah 10:15- Does an ax exalt itself above the one who chops with it? Does a saw magnify itself above the one who saws with it? As if a staff could wave he who lifts it! As if a rod could lift what isn't wood! 39. Voltaire's last words - When asked by a priest to renounce Satan, he said, "Now, now, my good man, this is no time for making enemies. 40. In my book, people should have an insane belief. 41. Roquefort name 42. "No god, no kings, only men" -Andrew Ryan 43. The future is too warm. the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere actually helps contain the heat - otherwise, the planet would get too cold now 44. destroy the sun to save the earth, lava would be cool to describe 45. the taming of aliens keeps them from reaching sentience 46. None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free - Goethe 47. In my book, the people that are tortured are actually implanted with memories for very intelligent people. This provides a greater way to survive in the future 48. In my book: what if the protagonist was a test subject!!!!!!!!!!! His horrible job in this future is the lowly job of a test subject!!!! 49. what if somehow we knew that humans killed the dinosaurs, wiping themselves out as well. 50. In the future, the people are starting to exhibit strange symptoms. They are all test subjects by the corporations in this future. Their call sign is to lock eyes, perform their trick, and not say a word. This is their underground, freedom-based "niche". Their are NO JOBS and these are the only jobs left. 51. The gist is that there is harsh racism between the very rich and the very poor. The only jobs left are absolutely terrible. 52. One point that has to be made is that the poor don't really know what goes on in the rich world, at all. Hardcore segregation needs to be highlighted in my book. 53. The very rich are sanctioned by their religions. 54. What of everyone followed the same religion I'm my book. The rich used it to exploit the poor. The poor used it to exploit the rich. 55. The poor infiltrate and take over the HQ, tricking the rich by replacing the “phone hotline” guys 56. in my book, what if the protagonist's first test was to be in the room with somebody who was taking their last breath 57. the protagonist's first scene is telling someone about his day at work. Maybe that person being shot, make it seem like he killed him. He didn't. He had to clean up after it. 58. The sky is a dark blue, like twilight. Pink on the horizon. 59. the ships use gravity - by the toxic stuff - to create an atmosphere around the ships. In this way, we can colonize the ships like tiny planets. 60. the ships use gravity - by the toxic stuff - to create an atmosphere around the ships. In this way, we can colonize the ships like tiny planets. 61. the ships use gravity - by the toxic stuff - to create an atmosphere around the ships. In this way, we can colonize the ships like tiny planets. 62. the govt has banned all forms of mind altering drugs 63. the city is split by a giant river, that has turned into a canyon. The canyon is now dry. 64. private prisons are modern day slave traders 65. in my book, the protagonist is captured, interrogated and released right at the beginning. 66. Name someone in my book Eden 67. call in a bullet like one might call in an air strike 68. animals have started to become sentient in my book, some are horribly distorted/evil though 69. adonai, the cruciable, 70. in my book, the corporations are a religion that is exposed right at the very end 71. every third century or so, there is a nuclear winter. Earth will not survive the next one. 72. the corporations do public killings, putting their executees on the same level as rapists, murderers, etc 73. Of all the places that have been rebuilt, none of the freedom fighters know where OTHER freedom fighters live. Just a testament to the distrust in this society. 74. glowing snow through the windows 75. Benju 76. He only has 4 bullets 77. the radiation affects gravity 78. the corporations do public killings, putting their executees on the same level as rapists, murderers, etc