# Implementation ## Make backup of the following directories E:/inetpub/wwwroot/$REDACTED.Service.Internal.DynamicRouting E:/inetpub/wwwroot/$REDACTED.Web ## Kafka ### Log on to c2ks21, and create topics kaka-topics --create --zookeeper c2kz21.$REDACTED.com:2181,c2kz22.$REDACTED.com:2181,c2kz23.lab.$REDACTED.com:2181 --topic $REDACTED.STAGE1.TRACKPOINT --replication-factor 2 --partitions 40 ### To verify topic creation, run the following kafka-topics --describe --zookeeper c2kz21.$REDACTED.com:2181,c2kz22.$REDACTED.com:2181,c2kz23.lab.$REDACTED.com:2181 --topic $REDACTED.STAGE1.TRACKPOINT ​## Database ### From DOS command type SQLPLUS $REDACTED/$REDACTED@C2DBX00 ### Run the following command (wail until all bat files to complete before moving to the next step) UPGRADE-PROD ### Run the following command UPGRADE-PROD-2 ### Check for errors Go into LOGS folder in each DDLS,DMLS,PACKAGES,PROCEDURES,VIEWS,TRIGGERS folders and check for ORACLE errors in log files. ### Log into database and verify any invalid objects. If there are invalid objects then run step #6 otherwise the upgrade is completed SQLPLUS $REDACTED/$REDACTED@c2dbx00 SELECT owner,object_name FROM all_objects where status <> 'VALID' and owner not like '%SYS%'; ### Recompile the entire database SQLPLUS $REDACTED/$REDACTED@C2DBX00 @recompile.sql; ## $REDACTED Web ### The following steps have to be done on 02, 05, 07, 08 first - once completed IT Network will flip those with 01, 03, 04, 06 and then we will deploy to those ### Navigate to the following links ### Start the job c2v11web0*, c1v11web0* //////// THIS JOB DOES NOT EXIST FOR PRODUCTION ### Add these changes to the this file E:/inetpub/wwwroot/$REDACTED.Service.Internal.DynamicRouting/web.config --- E:\inetpub\wwwroot\$REDACTED.Web\Images\Mugshots\svg\ false --- ## backend install/upgrade steps ### ssvc servers (c2ssvc01, c2ssvc02) #### logon as root sudo -i #### Update and Upgrade packages yum update STOP_Database_SSVC_Msg_Route yum upgrade STOP_smsclientengine ### etl servers (c2etl01, c2etl02, c2etl03, c2etl04, c2etl05, c2etl06) #### Logon as etl user su - etl #### Kill several services Kill tdcchmon Kill vtclient #### Wait for ETL1Q to clear, may need to manually flip ETL1Q P records to A q stat #### Install, update, upgrade packages su - yum update STOP_Database_ETLS1 yum install STOP_Shared_Elastic_Client yum upgrade STOP_ETL_Binaries-vtstage1processor yum upgrade STOP_ETL_Binaries-vtclient yum install STOP_Elasticsync yum install STOP_ETL_Binaries-stage1trackpointprocessor yum update STOP_ETL_Configs yum update STOP_ETL_Scripts ##### NOTE sync_client_start=a sync_client_end =z is to load balance the sync between zones in client schemas and elastic namespace. In integrate, you want to set following for i1etl01, sync_client_start=a sync_client_ end =l and followings for i1etl02 sync_client_start=m sync_client_ end =z On production environments, you want to distribute workload of sync-ing client schemas among 5 etl servers, A rough estimate might go as etl01: a-b etl02: c-l etl03: m-t etl04: u-z #### After install is complete and ini is configured, please complete the following steps on etl servers Stop tdcchmon and elasticsync process if started already. Remove all files from /usr/local/etl/elasticsearch/map and /usr/local/etl/elasticsearch/tmp directory #### remove configurations for TNJUV1, TN2, TN1 cd to elasticsearch/config rm files end with . TNJUV1.config . TN2.config . TN1.config #### Sync with elasticsearch ./elasticsync -t #### Verify all configurations before proceeding scripts/app_list.lst hmon.cfg etl.ini tdcc.ini #### Start the etl stack TS ### On gateway servers (c2gw01, c2gw02, c2gw03, c2gw04, c2gw05) #### Logon on as tdcc su - tdcc Kill tdcchmon Kill $REDACTED and let it finish processing VTQ #### Upgrade packages su - yum upgrade STOP_Gateway_Binaries-vtcommunicator yum upgrade STOP_Gateway_Binaries-$REDACTED yum upgrade STOP_Gateway_Binaries-smscommunicator #### Return to tdcc user su - tdcc #### restart the stack TK TS # Verification ​ ## Database: ### verify build successful​ 03_Database_Integrate //////// Since this step will be manual, how will we verify success? ​## $REDACTED Web ### Verify all steps completed succesfully in jenkins # Backout ## Database revert to branch "Develop" ### checkout develop branch http://bitbucket.dal.$REDACTED.net/projects/STOP/repos/database/browse?at=refs%2Fheads%2FDevelop ### apply upgrade script​ //////// Should we elaborate? ​## $REDACTED Web ### Replace folders with backups E:/inetpub/wwwroot/$REDACTED.Service.Internal.DynamicRouting E:/inetpub/wwwroot/$REDACTED.Web