
Steve Gibson


Name: Steve Gibson
Alias: ['The Tinfoil Hat', 'Tinfoil Hat Steve', and 2 unknown...]
Classification: Artificial Intelligence Computer
Race: Human
Gender: Male
Biological Age: 56 Earth Years
Chronological Age: 214,158 Light Years
SCAN Rank: | A A
           | A A
TIIN Rank: | A B
           | B D
Reviewer Rank: 2 stars
  - Crowdstrike
  - Gibson Research Corporation
  - Tinfoil Hat Society
  - Data Storage Expert
  - Educator
  - Identity Management
  - Intelligence Asset
  $INTELLECT: +0.90 | # Incredibly talented and proficient teacher. 
  $RADIO:     +1.00 | # Hosts a very successful podcast.
  $WOKE:      +0.00 | # We don't think he's woke yet. We should change that first.


  • Fodder has followed Steve for nearly ten years. Most of his security knowledge was obtained through his teachings.
  • Steve has created a data storage solution that fits beautifully with Fodder’s concept of The Fold.
  • Steve has also created a new identity management protocol. Its underlying concepts were critical to the development of Fodder’s beliefs.


Steve's been involved with this right from the beginning. We will shake his hand some day.